“It's rare when I meet someone and instantly know they have the fingerprint of God on their life and ministry.
Esthers seem to rise out of nowhere, having the burnt marks of God's hot branding iron imprinted deep within them from early on. Jennifer Nestler is such an Esther. She has learned to dance in the fire as she has witnessed precious things disappear in flames and her writings have no smell of smoke.
Just one quote from Jennifer consumes my whole life: "When you pray for the fire of God, you don't get to choose what burns." What we lose often becomes our rescue. God has struck His match; the fire is falling. His branding iron is red hot.
Ranchers brand their cattle so no one else steals them. I believe this is what God is up to in our lives. Are we willing to be branded? He brands us in such a way that our gifts, calling and ministry can't steal us from the One who gives them. Let those words burn away the wood, hay, and stubble that we often think is gold. God still dances in fiery furnaces.”
— Bill Yount
Leader of Bill Yount Ministries
“It is a privilege for me to endorse Jennifer Nestler's ministry. The way Jennifer empowers women and acts as a voice of clarity, healing, hope, and life for women has inspired people all over the world to reclaim their lives. She has become a beacon of light for those in need, showing them the power of love and healing through Jesus Christ, and how He can transform their lives.”
— Jennifer Eivaz
Leader of Jennifer Eivaz Ministries & Co-Pastor of Harvest Ministries International
“Jennifer Nestler is a gifted administrator, strategist, and leader. She has proven herself an asset to all that she works with. I highly recommend her and her company!”
— Ryan LeStrange
Leader of ATLHub, RLM & Owner of LeStrange Global LLC
“Jennifer Nestler has been an inspiration to me and many others. Her tenacity to overcome opposition and life’s problems has only given her greater resolve and solidified what she believes. Her gentle and firm spirit brings confidence to many. Her approach in ministry is always uplifting and looking for the best, while at the same time addressing areas needing change. She does this by speaking in a way that creates examination and change.
She has kept her focus on the spiritual mandates of her life and not compromised for an easier pathway when things became hard. These times only drove her deeper into God. This has qualified her to offer help, insight, and encouragement to a multitude who are on a journey to find their path to freedom.
— Greg Crawford
Apostolic Leader and Father of “The BASE”
“Instead of allowing pain and brokenness to define her, Jenn Nestler entwined herself in Truth and has risen up from the ashes in beauty, wisdom, and strength. Through her experiences, Jenn has become well-equipped with strategic, kingdom solutions that can empower you. As you unlock heaven's solutions for your life, you, too, will have the tools to rise up and step into a glorious future.”
— Dr. Michelle Burkett
Patricia King Ministries
Director of Women in Ministry Network, WIMNglobal.com & Voice4Victims, Voice4Victims.life