The War Of Thrones – It’s Time To Possess the Gates!
As I was praying, I heard Holy Spirit whisper to me—Game of Thrones. I didn’t know what it was but vaguely remembered hearing this name. When I looked it up, I found the following description:
Game of thrones – depiction of two powerful families — kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and honest men — playing a deadly game for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, and to sit atop the Iron Throne.
The War of Thrones
Instantly Holy Spirit quickened me that is exactly what is happening in the heavenlies. Two opposing Kingdoms—Kings and Queens, knights and renegades, liars and honest men vying for control of the Seven Kingdoms of this world. (Often referred to as Media, Government, Education, Economy, Religion, Family and Art.)
A throne is a seat of power. The first scripture that came to mind was:
“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool…” – Isaiah 66:1 esv
The throne in the Game of Thrones was called the Iron Throne.
In the Bible, iron signifies truth, strength, and authority. It’s symbolically mentioned in Daniel 2:40-44 as a kingdom that is “a rock not cut by human hands” that will crush all other Kingdoms.
Iron is also mentioned as authority in:
Revelation 9:15 – “From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron.”
I believe there is a war over the throne of the nations, over the seat of truth and authority, and most importantly a war over our children. The clash between the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of darkness.
Gates speak to entry points and places of authority. In biblical times, the vulnerability or strength of a stronghold or city was at the gate. Whoever controlled the gates, ruled the city.
Strongholds speak to belief system. Distorted thinking patterns and faulty core beliefs will hinder our agreement with truth and with God’s word.
We are in a crucial time, personally and corporately, as the body of Christ where we need to identify and tear down every stronghold that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. There is an urgency to guard the gates because we are at war! We cannot establish the Kingdom of God in the earth if we cannot first, establish the Kingdom of God in our hearts.
If we are to prevail, we will first need Holy Spirit to illuminate faulty strongholds in our minds, repent—change our minds, and come into agreement with the word of God.
In a recent prophetic word I released in January, the scripture Ezekiel 21:22 was highlighted to me. It talks about a battering ram being at the gate. I believe that is the picture of where we are at right now. There are demonic battering rams at that gate. We are at WAR. We must GUARD THE GATES – the gates are under attack and the biggest fight is over OUR CHILDREN!
Individually gates speak to our five senses.
Eyes – what we see
Ears – what we hear
Mouth – what we say
Taste – what we eat
Touch – what we put our hand to
It also speaks corporately to the Body of Christ. We must guard the gates by what we choose to focus our eyes on, what voices we listen to, what we speak and partner with, what we choose to feast on (feast on the word of truth!), and what we put our hands to.
A Gate is the Seat of Authority:
Wisdom was spoke at the gates. Proverbs 1:21
Justice was administered at the gates. Deut. 16:18
Prophets proclaimed God’s word at the gates. Jeremiah 17:19-20
We must guard the gates! This is not just a war over the gates but it’s war over whose Throne will rule over the land!
An Altar – A Key to Possess the Gates:
Altars are places of sacrificing, dying to self; a place to honor God. Altars connect our sacrifices in the natural to Gods supernatural provision. (Like the ram provided to Abraham.)
The word altar means high in Latin, or high place. In the old testament it often speaks about altars—high places—being dedicated to other gods. These altars were built in places of influence that governed the land, giving access over a region to whatever gods (demonic spirits) that were worshipped there.
I believe God is highlighting the demonic high places in our Nation that need to be pulled down and routed out. He’s exposing systems, thoughts, and idols both in the church and in the world that breed darkness, greed, and injustice.
Altars can sometime be built as a time of testing! God told Abraham to build an altar and to offer Isaac as a sacrifice—his promise. God didn’t just want Abrahams’ sacrifice—He was after his heart. Abraham was being testing. Psalm 11:4 says “he tests the sons of men.”
God command Abraham to build an altar of sacrifice on Mount Moriah which means “the Lord is my teacher.” If God asks us to sacrifice something, it is often because He is teaching us something.
Altars require a sacrifice. What is it that God is asking you to lay on the altar? Building an altar will cost us but I believe not building one will cost even more.
Altars are:
Places of sacrifice
Places of obedience
Places of testing
Places of teaching
Places of divine exchange
Because of Abraham’s obedience on Mount Moriah, God told Abraham that his offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies.
“By myself I have sworn, declares the Lord, because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son,I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies. “– Genesis 22:16-18
Your obedience is the key to possessing the gates!
“I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” – matthew 16:18-19
It’s Time to Possess the Gates!
Our words and our obedience establish God’s throne in the earth. Our words bind and loose things in the heavenlies. To possess the gates means to first overthrow what should not be there and then to keep the right authority established as a guard at the gate.
Who are we allowing to influence us? What voices are we listening to and partnering with? What are we using our voice for?
Worship is Key
2 kings 3:15
“But now bring me a musician.” And when the musician played, the hand of the Lord came upon him. And he said, “Thus says the Lord, ‘I will make this dry stream bed full of pools. For thus says the Lord, ‘You shall not see wind or rain, but that streambed shall be filled with water, so that you shall drink, you, your livestock, and your animals. This is a light thing in the sight of the Lord. He will also give the Moabites into your hand, and you shall attack every fortified city and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree and stop up all springs of water and ruin every good piece of land with stones.” The next morning, about the time of offering the sacrifice, behold, water came from the direction of Edom, till the country was filled with water.”
Worship is Key – “When the musician played, the hand of the Lord came upon me.” – 2 Kings 3:15
The hand of the Lord moved during worship; Direction and strategies were released in worship.
Timing is important – “About the time of offering the sacrifice” the solution was released.
Closing Encouragement:
There is a war over the gates and Throne of this nation!
There is a war over truth!
There is a war of wickedness raging against our children!
We cannot be ruled by our natural thinking but must rule from a heavenly perspective.
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God. We will not establish Gods purposes in the earth until they are first established in our hearts. We will not win the war any other way but on our knees.
Build an Altar – Obedience is a key to possess the gates!
Worship is a key for the strategies and timing of the Lord.
It’s time to possess the gates and it starts with us.