Urgent Prophetic Word: The “Cross” Road for the United States


Through the wisdom of trusted leaders and permission from God, I feel it’s important to give context to my word below. Social media is often a difficult place to share words like this. I wrestled with how to release this word well and IF social media was even the place for it.

It’s easy to misconstrue the heart of a written word, though I know I am to obey God, release the word and those who are meant to hear it will.

This is not about politics, who you voted for or who you believe will be president. This is also not about the current battle over abortion.

It’s easy to look through an earthly lens but this is a call for the Body to see through the Kingdom lens and to see what is transpiring in the Spirit. This is a call for unity in the body and a call to war, as we wrestle not with flesh and blood. A battle can not be won when you don’t see your enemy clearly. Your enemy is not your brother!

I asked God why he wanted me to release this word on Martin Luther King Day. He said to me “I have a dream….” and I felt the weight of His heart breaking.

I believe a massive and powerful move of God is going to be birthed out of the African American church and specifically a powerful move among African American women. They will lead at the helm of this great move and TEACH the Church TO WAR!

Church….there is NO place for racism. The Lord strongly says “What you do not honor, you forfeit!”

Important Points for this Word:

* The civil war era I believe speaks to us currently being in a civil war (on many levels).

* Plantation speaks to a place of enslavement that should have been a fertile place for things to grow but instead is a place of destruction, bondage and pain.

* I feel there’s a war cry, steeped in injustice, that needs to be released and a significant birth that needs to be protected and come forth in this nation. The stronghold of racism and injustice runs deep. It speaks to both racism in the natural and also bondage in the church that needs to be broken and cleansed.

* The spirit of abortion does not have to do with the current fight of abortion. Church we are battling an ancient principality named Molech that not only wanted to abort an entire people group in this Nation but wants to swallow up and kill what God wants to birth in this Nation NOW!

Urgent Prophetic Word:

The “Cross” Road for the United States

We are at a line of demarcation in the United States. We don’t get to choose if we cross over. We ARE crossing over. However, we do get to choose how we cross over.

A Slave Woman Named Bride

I saw a slave woman named, Bride on a plantation from the civil war era. She was very pregnant and deep in the throes of intense labor. There were chords tightly wrapped around her belly, trying to restrict birth from happening. There were also chords fastened tightly around her mouth, choking her into silence.

The chords of restriction around her belly said “abortion” and the chords of restriction around her mouth said “Injustice.”

Bride had “Justice” branded over her heart and “Valiant” branded on her forehead. I knew that these marks were from God because He had marked her first, before any man could mark or restrict her.

Dragon Named Baal and Two Winds of Fire

I then saw a huge dark dragon, named Baal. Baal was snarling and fiercely blowing his breath of fire at Bride, while tightly holding onto the chords that had bound and restricted her. Baal was trying to silence Bride from not only releasing a war cry but to abort the baby that was imminently coming and to kill Bride herself.

Two winds of fire have been released are battling over and blowing upon Bride, like an epic battle. The Spirit of burning has been released in the church AND the fire of Baal has also been released.

One is the wind and fire of cleansing being released from Holy Spirit to burn away the chords of restriction on Bride’s belly, breaking the spirit of abortion and death off of her; freeing her to give birth. The fire and wind is also to burn the chords of restriction off Brides’ mouth, freeing her to release a war cry that will resound even in the Nations.

The fire of the dragon named Baal is meant to release a fire death and destruction. It’s no coincidence that Baal means “owner, master and lord.”

Call to Action

I heard God say “The mouth of the dragon is on my Bride! Church call forth My wind and fire to blow upon my bride! SET MY BRIDE ON FIRE! She shall birth and bring forth my purposes. SHE SHALL CRY OUT AND TEACH MY PEOPLE TO WAR! There’s a war cry in her that will pierce the enemies’ ears and cause him to scatter in a million directions. Her feet are like the sound of war drums, reverberating across the nations. Birth pangs are upon her. I’m calling you to action and to mobilize like never before. Do not give place to division and offense! Do not abort what I want birthed!”

The Wailing Women Are Here!

“Wail Church, Wail! Make space for the wailing woman and travail before me! It’s time to birth! You’re about to see the greatest unveiling of my Bride rising in power, glory and fire. SHE ISNT HERE TO BE POPULAR and attract a crowd to herself!!! She’s here to display my Glory and power! She’s my BRIDE! She will bring forth my purposes; ruling and reigning with me!”

“Bow low! Bow low! Hear my call to humility like never before! Lay down the idols of your heart! Embrace my spirit of burning and let it purge you lest you be consumed. I am jealous for my Bride and I will NOT share her with any other lovers!”

The “Cross” Road for the United States

“For the king of Babylon stands at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination. He shakes the arrows; he consults the teraphim; he looks at the liver. Into his right hand comes the divination for Jerusalem, to set battering rams, to open the mouth with murder, to lift up the voice with shouting, to set battering rams against the gates, to cast up mounds, to build siege towers. But to them it will seem like a false divination. They have sworn solemn oaths, but he brings their guilt to remembrance, that they may be taken.” – Ezekiel 21:21-23

The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, was known for initiating Babylonian captivity. I believe the “two ways for the sword of the king of Babylon to come” is a picture of the cross road we have before us.

This cross in the road—this fork in the road—will either be like a tuning fork for the United States to resonate the sound of the King of Heaven and defeat this ancient principality over our Nation or it will be the king of Babylon bringing a fierce humbling.

I deeply feel the purpose is both. To resonate the sound of the King of Heaven and a great humbling.

If not Church, it will just be a great humbling.

We are at a line of demarcation in the United States. We ARE crossing over. However, we do get to choose how we cross over.

Bow Low – the Cross of Humility

“Therefore thus says the Lord God: Because you have made your guilt to be remembered, in that your transgressions are uncovered, so that in all your deeds your sins appear—because you have come to remembrance, you shall be taken in hand. And you, O profane wicked one, prince of Israel, whose day has come, the time of your final punishment, thus says the Lord God:

Remove the turban and take off the crown. Things shall not remain as they are. Exalt that which is low, and bring low that which is exalted.” – Ezekiel 21:14-26


Will we be offended by the way God reveals Himself?

Do we really want Him in the fullness of glory and power?

Do we really want him when He comes as a Holy and fierce God when it offends our minds?

He’s the God of the fire and wind.

He’s a consuming fire who is jealous for His Bride.

Every high place will be made low.

United States you are at a cross in the road. Will you bow low and humble yourself or be humbled?

Who is your God?

Strategies for War

Jezebel introduced Baal and Baal worship. Baal was considered a fertility demon and was likened in the shape of a bull or ram. A bull was a symbol of power in the bible and a ram was the symbol of strength.

We will not defeat this principality through power and strength in the natural. You can not fight the enemy on his territory but must come up higher Church and war from Heavenly places. Our weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty in God. He uses the foolish things to confound the wise.

There are keys in 2 Kings 10:18-25 especially verse 19.

“Jehu was acting cunningly in order to destroy the servants of Baal.”

We must be cunning like Jehu. The definition of cunning is “having or showing skill in achieving things in a clever way.


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